Early in January, I read about Rubix Cube. I don't really remember where, in Kak Anna's blog perhaps. That thing really caught my attention. I can never solved it before. And it made me so jealous to see Rudy can solve it like it was just a piece of cake. So, early in January, I dared myself to master how to solve the Rubix cube. I went to the nearest store and bought one for myself. Luckily a tutorial was given with the purchase of that cube. Damn, even with the tutorial i can't solve it. Why? easy question; it was hard. Even my friends tried to solve it by looking at the tutorial, guess what? Non of them can solve it either. Thanks to Rudy, he suggested to look for 'badmephisto' in youtube. With the help of the tutorial and a lot of practices, i can solve the-complicated-Rubix cube for the first time. It took me 2 weeks (with still looking at the tutorial) and about a month (without looking at the tutorial). Mastering at rubix cube? Well, that requires a lot, i mean lots of time and practices. For the time being, i'm satisfied with what i've achieved.
Psst.. What's the secret?
In badmephisto video, first, he taught to know the cube itself. I mean from inside of the cube, how it was made. Only then he taught the steps to solve the rubix cube. Thus, i'm pretty sure he made it clear to everyone. The secret of being success is to understand & lots of practices. Like in maths, you have to understand the problem first then only you can solve the problem & practice a lot. What if it's you who wants to be successful? my answer is.. know yourself first. Know your advantages-make full use of it, and know your weakness-improve it.

p/s: And what about me? I guess i'm still trying to be the best. :)