Lets hear some shout out. yaaahoooo!!!! Semester break has began! Well, actually i'm not really that excited. Why? Because its hard to leave my seniors. It is their last year in IPBA so that means no more them in the next sem. sob3.. (T.T) but what can I do? Life must go on right? I still got a long journey to reach to their position right now. To my seniors, gambatte! Goodluck! teach the kids a lesson till they remember it for the rest of their life. Hahaha.. sounds pretty harsh right? :P I don't mean it in the harsh way. Erkkk.. wutever.. ala~ korang paham jugak. (pinjam ayat wawa jap). hehe.. Goodluck posting. Harap dapat tempat yang u guys nak. :) To my friends the same batch as me, i want to apologize for all my wrong doing to all of u guys. I wish we can let the bygones be bygones. Forgive and forget. Open new chapter and erase the old one. Buang yang keruh ambil yang jernih kan? I don't know whether any of them would read my blog but.. ada aku heran?? byk yg tak tau about my blog. Haha.. skali lagi, ada aku heran? :P

This is the only stuff i brought back with me.
errkk.. ok. u are right. i lie. Pretty obvious right? This much of stuff only for weekends break so this is the real much i brought home with me.
hehe.. too much? KL-Sg buloh je kot. Dekat je. So no biggie... don't worry, muat sumbat dalam kereta. hehehe. :D
cuti lame!!!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
*kakak dia cakp ade aku heran..
adk dia cakp ade ak kesah..
korg mmg adk beradik la
beb, sama la ngn aku. sampai penuh satu kereta. padahal lg dasyat, PJ je kot. HAHA. :))
btw, bosan doh cuti. seyes.
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