Monday, December 14, 2009

I'm losing it.

ello guys! ouch! cannot shout out loud coz my gum still hurt after my dentist took out my fang.
hell yeah. i lost one of my fang and i'm about to loose the other one this wednesday. Kini ia hanyalah tinggal lubang besar yg agak mencacatkan gusi kuh.
y i'm doing this? because i wanna wear the 'pagar besi' keliling my tooth or people used to call it braces.
fakta; gigi saye mmg sgt berterabur.
frankly speaking, i dun give a damn about my unstraighted tooth though i think mine are worst among the bad. eik? pandai2 la paham sendiri. haha. Too many people suggested consider wearing that braces thing. kecoh la! And now that i'm about to wear one, pueh ke ati anda? Tayah bising2 dah oke. :) i felt terrible la about this matter. Its my fangs, my identity man! Lagi2 saye keturunan bersiung and i kinda proud of it actually. All my siblings have it AT LEAST one. So its kinda sad dont u think so? However, to my beloved sisters and bro, even though gigi taring yang slalu u guys ejek sudah tiada, dan lagi2 gigi saye bakal jadi cantik (insyaallah) boleh senyum lebih lebar2 dari u all, u guys tetap my siblings oke? forever and always.
Its funny though. i told my siblings i've get rid of my fang and they totally interested of getting rid of theirs too. hahah. i guess i'm the influencer.


Saya Iszee ツ said...

hahaha, alang. bajet tuh musty ade kan kan? haha! aish, jaga pagar baek baek na. tunjuk imej baek depan pelajar, bekerja jgn mkn gaji buta jea. hee ;D

Zafirah Feyra said...

hahaha.. mesti punyer!
hey hey.. ini bukan harapkan pagar pagar makan padi oke.
saye sgt dedicated. :P

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