Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cinta siapa yang dikejar?

Sekarang banyak saye tengok member2 yang tengah bahagia bercinta. Kadang2 terfikir jugak, bercouple bukannya best sangat. Gembira seketika dan kemudian berterusan terluka hati sampai bila2 kalau break. tekankan, KALAU break. itulah cinta manusia skrg....kan?

Agaknya, bagaimana pula jika Allah mencintai seseorang?
Dalam satu hadis, Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda :
"Sesungguhnya Allah SWT jika mencintai seorang hamba, maka Dia memanggil malaikat Jibril dan berkata: "Wahai Jibril, aku mencintai orang ini maka cintailah dia!" Maka Jibril pun mencintainya, lalu Jibril mengumumkannya kepada seluruh penduduk langit dan berkata: "Wahai penduduk langit, sesungguhnya Allah mencintai orang ini, maka cintai dia." Maka seluruh penduduk langit pun mencintainya. Kemudian orang itu pun dicintai oleh segenap makhluk Allah di muka bumi ini." (Hadis Riwayat Bukhari)
MasyaAllah! Lihatlah cinta Allah..Sungguh luar biasa hebat..
Ketika Allah mencintai seseorang, Allah yang Maha Agung tidak cukup dengan hanya mengatakan "Aku cinta si dia!"
Tetapi Allah memaklumkan kepada seluruh makhluk-Nya.
Apa kata Allah dalam hadis tersebut?
"Wahai Jibril, aku mencintai orang ini maka cintailah dia!"
Maka Jibril pun membuat pengumuman :
"Wahai penduduk langit, sesungguhnya Allah mencintai orang ini, maka cintai dia."
Kemudian orang itu pun dicintai oleh segenap makhluk Allah di muka bumi ini.
Oh Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim, bahagianya mereka yang benar-benar dicintai Allah. Pasti hidup mereka sentiasa tenang dan diberkati.
Bayangkan jika semua pembaca disayangi Allah SWT. Pasti dunia ini dipenuhi dengan kebahagiaan.
Tidakkah kita mahu menjadi seorang yang benar-benar dicintai Allah?
Namun, selama ini, cinta siapa yang kita kejar?

Di copy paste dari untuk perkongsian. Mintak halal la ye.
 Mekacih. ngee~ :D

p/s : Sangat suka persoalan "Namun, selama ini, cinta siapa yang kita kejar?"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

25 things you should know about me

 "Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts or goals about you. In the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tags you. If I tag you, it’s because I want to know you more." 

I actually didn't get the tagged from the person himself but he wrote there feel free to do this tagged. So as i have a lot of time to waste, i do it. Hehe..
tagged from; Abang Yan

(1) I have adopted family. Along, angah, achik, ucu, uncle & aunty. I’m the alang in this family. I love them and we always go out together when semester break comes. But never went out in complete members. Always missing one or two.

(2) I don’t  like spicy food.
(3) I wear sweater when I go to sleep. Because my lungs cannot bear exposing to coldness for a long time.

(4) I feel extremely uncomfortable with ‘melekit’ or wet tables in restaurant. So I really need tissues to be on the table. 

(5) I am very selective when shopping. Well, u can say I’m very fussy when it comes to shopping. It took me 2-3 hours just to buy a cloth. So I only bring my shopping partners when I want to shop. Only they can keep up with me.

(6) I do forgive, but I don’t forget. Sometimes I tend to hold grudge. But I try hard not to. Just that, I don’t forget. Never!

(7) I have some kind of boyish attitude. I used to be tomboy when I was little. Short hair, playing cars & wars…stuffs like that. Ganas la dlm erti kata lain. (-.-‘)
(8) I like editing pictures. And playing with graphic somehow attracts me.

(9) it takes time for me to make friends. Coz I’m no good in communicating with people whom I don’t know. (I’m trying to improve on that)

(10) tell me your story, I’ll sit and listen coz I’m pretty good listener.  :)

(11) Sometimes I have a bipolar mood. One minute I can be very down and I can cheer myself in the next minute. I don’t know if that what they call optimistic. If so, that’s what I am.

(12) Seriously, touch screen just annoyed me. It is like i'm losing my sense of touch. 

(13) Red will always be my favourite colour. It can't be helped, red is so eye catching.

(14) Vegetable is a must in my meal. Carrots are the best. Selalu je kutip carrot dlm sayur bila beli makanan kat kafe ipba. Kesian org lain kene menunggu nak amik sayur. Hehehhe.. sorry.. :P

(15) Errm.. I kind of…like… to see guys doing… Mohawk hairstyle.. I mean rambut pacak tengah like ultraman, u know what I’m saying... right? Hehe..

(16) If I cannot sleep, I listen to songs with my eyes shut so that I can sleep.. just assume that the songs are like my lullaby..

(17) When I have girls’ day out, it is strictly to girls only. We have liey, mbing, gha, Q, hunny, leeyamoi, faezah, & me. Geng2 lepak MA. Hehehe..

(18) I only started wearing scarf after I had my spm examination. :)

(19) I wear my watch on my right hand. And I wear my belt from right to left which means the buckle is on the right side. Kalau kawin nak duduk belah kanan jugak boleh? Hahaha.. Just kidding. LOL. 

(20) I fold my clothes with the printed design inside. I mean..saya lipat baju terbalik. Corak di dalam bukan diluar. 
(21) I always wanted to try challenging sports like bungee jumping (would be better if jump from a helicopter), parachuting (jumping from the sky with parachute) etc..

(22) Addicted to diet! I’ve tried Atkins diet, low-carbohydrate diet & vegan diet. The only one that totally works is avoid the consumption of white rice & cheese. [I want to lose weight!]

(23) When I was in form 5, I got hip dislocated because of my own dumbness.

(24) I used to have 4 indoors cats. All mixed Persians type. I miss them so much! Well, basically I miss the feeling of having cats at my home.  :(

(25) I'm tired of thinking so I just say that I love nasi goreng ayam amjal + teh O ais limau!
.The end.

 I don't know who to tag to.. but i would love to know 25 things about; 
1. Syazwan Shahdan (achik)
2. Eliya amoi (ucu)
3. Iszee feekri (uncle) [tak tau la dia perasan ke tak]
4. Rafiqa nabeela (aunty)
5. Qeyla 

and readers, feel free to do this tag. & let me know too so that i can know things about u. :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Gudbye 305(b)

bloody BALDI once shouted at us;
"When we say u move, u move!"
Okeyh. So next semester my house mates & i shall move to another residential block.
We got an order from 'kuncu-kuncu atas' saying that we have to bring all the things back to our hometown.
Yes, we do follow your order although most of us complaining real hard. 
U also stop the lift service although it works just fine. safety issues u said. 
So yes, we've been lifting our stuffs using stairs even though we swore hell out of it.
i've never been much happier lifting those stuffs like..6 or 7 times up & down the stairs from level 6. its a pleasure, really. [smile sarcastically]

all i'm saying that, that is not the main reason we don't want to move. 
all those packing, we don't mind. Just we love our house. our own house. 
it is really sad reminding the fact that we have to leave the house. 
305B has gave us a lot of memories. a year and a half. Since i first started in IPBA. 
every time i woke up each day, the first thing i saw was greenly scenery behind block 3.
i can even see the sky changing colours from black to dark blue and slowly getting brighter.
(well, depends on how early i woke up)
The kitchen is where i brush my teeth & wash my face. 
(other than making some food there)
then shower in the toilet. get ready in my room. 
the hall is where i spend the most time with my friends. eating, laughing, story sharing.. 
auuwh.. its too hurt to leave as it has too much memories.. :(

Scenery through my bedroom's window
Kalau bosan2, skodeng kondo mewah blkg. Heheheh.. :P

Kitchen yg tak seberapa. But enough for us.

Mirror in the hall. Di sini la tempat berangan. tgk cermin sambil berangan.
Wajib utkku melihat cermin kalau lalu hall. Heheheh.. 
oH meja studyku yg tak berapa digunakan utk study. kat hall. 
i used it much when doing assignments & a place for me to put my guppies. :)
Rooms is private so there's no photo of my room here. thats all.
after packing would look like this.
all have been packed except for pillows & carpets.
sikit eyh? bcoz half of my stuff dah hantar balik before this.
so consider this is the 2nd trip. Lalala~

305B, iloveyou. imgonnamissyou. takecare. bubye. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

prank diri sendiri

Pernah plan nak wat jahat kat orang tapi terkena kat diri sendiri?
Bila terkena kat batang hidung sendiri mmg sangat best kan kan? 
Layout blog baru ku disablekan right click.. saje tak de keje.. 
Oleh sebab ku gemar bukak page baru guna new tab, so sah-sah la kene right click..
Last-last keluar error message sbb right click dah disable kan.. 
haish.. sendiri buat sendiri lupa.. adoi~ 
tapi tak pe la. setiap kali error message keluar, akan ada je yg mendoakanku..
Jadi readersright click la selalu ye! huhuhuhu.. 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Beautiful blogger award

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and the link of the person :
Firstly i would like to thank Syazwan Shahdan & Eliyamoi for this lovely award. After a long time i've been tagged for this award, only now i can accept it after some construction i've made to the layout. Harap trofi saya masih belum berhabuk ye. Huhu. 

2. Spread the award to 15 blogger who you like & you think their blogs are awesome :

1. Mr Iszee Feekri the sivaji hero
2. Mrs Rafiqa Feekri
3. Noraqeelah nazari the shoppink partner
4. Adniloomy
5. Merazati
6. Sofea the fea
7. Airil the capten
8. Haziq si jejaka segamat
9. Syamimi Md Zaini
10. Okeyh tak larat nak namakan dah. Sapa2 terbuka sila ambil award ini. huhu.

3. Tell 7 things about yourself :

1. I love red. (-_-") That's the first thing pops up into my mind.
2. I love/miss my adopted family. Kini dah dapat title famili penyayang. Uncle aunty along angah achik ucu epul rudy(new comers?) 
3. I dont have any interest to iPhone4 because i hate touchscreen things. Its like i'm loosing my sense of touch. & i also dont have so much interest in owning DSLR like others because u hold a camera, then u were meant to take pictures while i like my pictures to be taken. im no photographer. 
4. Whenever i saw a mirror, i smile.. smiling to myself. :)
5. tissues on each table at the restaurant is a must. saya suka lap meja guna tissue lepas makan. *untung waiter tayah lap meja dah*
6. eating ice after drinking, giving me soooo much pleasure.. Nikmat!
7. Henpon saya jarang berbunyi. So i care less about my phone but not facebook. FB is a life although it started to get boring.


Ada dengar bunyi orang bertukang tak? Hehehe.. akhirnya blog telah siap di'rebuild'. Lalala~ kali ni tiada lagi black background. Kasi aura gelap je. haha. Okeyh. Harap lepas nie ada la mood tuk study. ErRkk.. okeyh status study tu sangat diragui. Wahai mood study, datanglah kepadaku. soalan spot dah dapat tapi tanak study-study lagi. adoi~

Kepada pembaca,
Silalah komen layout baru blog. Cantik ke buruk ke hodoh ke..
Jangan risau, apa-apa pun komen, hati nie takkan jadi kecik (aka kecik hati)
Saya dengan ini merasmikan blog dengan layout baru! 
Hip2 horeeey! hoho. :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Halo hallo!

Salam. Hey i read my friends' blog and then i found out that i've been rewarded 'the beautiful blog' by two friends. ErRkk.. I don't think i can accept that reward because.... i seriusly think that my blog is sucks! i mean the layout. So now what i'm gonna do is... rebuilt my blog. Starting from 8.21 PM i now announce my blog is under construction. Thank you.


Blogger & Friends