Friday, December 9, 2011

Honesty Vs Deception

Honesty... Deception...
I remember the day before I went to be interviewed for my current institute. I asked my friend whether can I say the truth that I don't really passionate into the field that I was interviewed for? Because I believe that believing in oneself that anything can be done is enough although without passion. Saying 'I can' can be a lot more than just a phrase. My dear friend answered definitely I won't succeed in the interview with that kind of answer. And yeah.. I myself admit that.

So honesty can't win?

For politician to win selection. What did they do? They promised this and that to the people so that those stupid people who fall for the trick place the votes on them. I never heard a politician said "I don't want to make any promises because I'm afraid I will not fulfill the promise. I'm just try to do what I can to help you out." And now tell me who on earth would vote for them after hearing those? 

So after all honesty really can't win huh? 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rambo & Ringgo saya

Perkenalkan Rambo & Ringgo. Ini guinea pig baka american. Macam dalam post sebelum nie, gp nie dibeli daripada abg sahril banting (thanks!). Sebelum beli cage sebenar, saya just letakkan dorg nie dalam cage buatan sendiri yg di buat dari kotak & coroplast. Well, mmg macam tak relevant cage pakai kotak tapi terpaksa tunggu jugak untuk dapat cage yg murah. 

See? told ya.. Made from kotak je. tapi at least ada jugak rupa cage bukan? ngeh3.. ;p anyway, mesti tertanya kotak tak basah ke kalau dorg kecing? well, itu la guna coroplast. >>
Lipat2 jadi macam nie dan sumbat dalam kotak. Tadaa! cage buatan sendiri. Boleh jugak buat cover line sebab saya bawak budak2 nie balik hostel. Huhuhu..

Tips untuk bela guinea pig:

1. Beli je guinea pig, mandikanlah ia dengan shampoo yang boleh menghapuskan kutu. Sbb bila beli, kita tak tau apa condition gp tu. So sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga untuk elak penyakit, mandikanlah ia.

2. Jangan gunakan Hay sebagai bedding. (note: Hay tu makanan gp macam  rumput sikit tu). Sbb gp nie banyak berlari dan segala benda tersepak. Gp saya tercucuk hay kat mata dia. Then terpaksa la bawak gi vet. Last2 vet bagi eye dropper (nicol eye drop)

3. Buat la satu hutch atau apa2 tempat untuk gp menyorok.. Sbb gp nie haiwan prey. Jadi mmg natural dia untuk lari kalau terasa terancam. So tak nak bagi gp stress, buat la satu hiding place untuk dorg.

4. Kalau tak nak gp jadi selective feeding (pilih makanan yang dia suka je), jangan la beli pellets yg ada macam2 jenis bijirin tu. Nanti mana yang dia tak suka tu, tak habis tak pe lagi. Lagi teruk kalau dia tendang keluar cage. Ada orang cakap pellet cobayes jenama hagen ok. =,=

5. Gp suka gigit surat khabar. So bedding surat khabar totally a no no.

6. Bagi timothy hay instead of alfafa hay. sbb alfalfa kandungan calcium tinggi dan takut gigi gp tumbuh terlalu panjang. Sbb tu jugak kene bagi sayur2 & buah2 macam carrots, epal, timun untuk gp gigit.

7. kalau pakai cage yang berjaring kat tapak cage, improvised sikit. Letak something yang agak-agak gp tak tersungkur bila jalan. In my case, saya letak jaring macam kat cage buatan (tengok gambar atas).

8. Jangan pakai wood shaving yang ada bau-bauan.. Hidung gp sangat sensitif, boleh bau apa2 sejauh selang 3 buah rumah. wood shaving type cedar/pine tak digalakkan. Akan bagi masalah respiratory bak kata vet.

*Ok semua nie segala kesilapan saya masa jaga gp. setakat nie la.. Kesilapan jangan diulangi kan? So belajar dr kesilapan (berkata kepada diri sendiri). ;p

So lepas beberapa improvise yang saya buat untuk gp, i'm satisfied. :)

Rambo & Ringgo 's new cribs :)
Bottom part berjaring untuk senang cuci taik. Gp sangat rajin berak. So improvised la cage untuk bagi senang cuci. upper part pakai coroplast and ada part yang pakai bedding. 

Suka tengok dorang santai-santai. :)

fill the emptiness with alternative

I'm a cat person. I used to have 5 indoor cats. all of them were Persian except for one. Then when my first sister got pregnant, i have to give them all away to other people to take care. Its really sad to let them go. Last month, i watched too many animal abuse right in front of my eyes and in the internet. From that incident, I was determined to have a pet. At first i was thinking to adopt a cat but its hard to care for a cat because i'm living in hostel most of the time. i don't want my mum to take care of a pet for me for 5 days in a week. no way. Then i thought of taking an iguana or chameleon. Cool right if i had a chameleon, that thing can change color! But at the second thought, its expensive and u can't pet it like a cat. 

Ini la chameleon.

 I want a pet like a cat; can be pet and friendly but i need them to be a lot smaller, use less space &  affordable to take care of. One of my friend suggested Syrian hamster because it bigger than a usual hamster. From that moment, his idea has triggered my nerve cells with some light. macam *ting!* I got the idea to buy a guinea pig. after made some research about guinea pig care, i started to search for guinea pig online. Its much cheaper if u get from owner rather than in store. I hunt this guinea pig from a breeder i found in Although its quite far from sg buloh, i don't care. redah jugak. at first i made my own cage, because i need to cut cost before i can get a cheap cage. Now, i'm so happy to take this guinea pig as a pet. They adorable, easy to take care & low cost.

Kalau rasa-rasa nak bela binatang yg senang dijaga, bela la guinea pig. Jangan risau- tak haram & tak payah samak. Ngeh3.. ;p Sila tengok video ini dulu sebelum pilih nak bela guinea pig, just in case. 

p/s: beli guinea pig dari breeder. Murah sikit. (facebook: Sahril Banting) dan beli cage dari Hanna Q 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The strong bond between animal and human

Christian was the given name to a lion. Since he was a baby, two guys took care of him until one day the lion got bigger and too big for them to take care of. So they decided to release him to live as a wild lion  in jungle somewhere in Africa. After a year, the two  guys when back to see the lion but they were sure he won't recognize them any longer. To their surprised, the lion do recognize them and it was such a sweet moment.

Damn i'm touched! :')

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Hentikan berkata-kata mengenai hukum hudud, 
Andainya ilmu di dada hanya secetek buku lali.. 
Hudud adalah hukum Allah.. 
Siapakah kita untuk menentang hukum Allah? 
Hebatkah kita untuk menilai hukum Allah yang digariskan dalam Islam? 
Tepuk dada tanya iman.

Kadang-kadang dengan hanya kata-kata boleh membuatkan akidah terpesong.. 
akidah diri sendiri dan akidah orang lain.. Mintak Allah jauhkan perkara sedemikian..

ditujukan khas buat: artis Malaysia

Friday, October 7, 2011

Senyuman :)

I run into a senior while climbing up the stairs. I smiled at her. She smiled back. 
Only when i closed enough to her, i could see she was crying actually, 
but still able to smiled back. Salute! 
Bersabarlah walau apa pun jua. 
Semoga hari mendatang lebih menceriakan bagi dia. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Stop animal abuse!

If u are animal abuser, this one for u asshole!
Stop abusing animals! Especially DBKL workers and also other Majlis Perbandaran who put up the acts of brutality towards animals. You guys really are son of a bitch! 
Why? See this video yourself.. (Click the link below)
They strangled a straying dog, hit it with metal, and kicked it.. I can hear the dog almost lost its voice, sounding like it was choking.. 
there are 5 - 6 people in this video trying to stop this one poor animal. Come on u suckers moron! 
Can't u just shoot it with some sedation just to make it sleep so that u can take it to animal shelter? 
What? I can't hear u.. Sedation cost you a lot? 
Then use your fucking brain! Even in India they catch a straying dog with a boxstrap.. India weh! Negara yang lebih belakang dari Malaysia.

They didn't lay any finger on the dog.
"The dog seems nice?" Kepala bana kau!
I've seen how the bloody DBKL workers caught straying cats in my campus area. It wasnt a wild cat, u can even pet the cat like a normal person yet they treat it like a dangerous creature on earth. Bullshit! Kau tangkap kucing dengan cekik kat tengkuk, hempas kuat-kuat dalam jaring sampai terhentak kucing tu kat lantai, pastu kau sepak terajang kucing tu sebab dia menggelupur ketakutan. Kau memang manusia lahanat!
Semoga kau, kau, kau dan kau manusia tak berperikemanusiaan ni mendapat pembalasan yang setimpal.

p/s: I am really regrets that i didnt take any action when i saw the cruelty towards the cat. At least i should say out loud some bloody things to the old man that abusing the animal. At least say something, to stand up for the cat.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Miss Kedah

Mampu nak lupakan kenangan-kenangan ni? Apa-apa pun perjalanan masih jauh....
Kenangan kekal menjadi kenangan.
Rindu Kedah. Dalam kurungan:Langkawi ;p

Saturday, August 27, 2011



I failed after I promise to make a change.
It hit me again this time
and I regret it.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

takdir :)

"Cinta terakhir"

Kau cinta pertama ku
Kau cinta terakhir ku
Tiada apa yang bisa
Menafikan kasih kita

Kau ayu di mata ku
Satu antara seribu
Tiada tara di dunia

Mungkin kan terputus di tengah jalan
Mungkin kan terlerai tanpa ikatan
Usah ragu dengan takdir

Mungkin kita kan berbeza haluan
Berakhirnya cerita percintaan
Segalanya ketentuan Tuhan

Selamat tinggal. 
Terbanglah bebas meninggalkan penjara sangkar. :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Dear new semester

Tonight i feel something's bothering me.. I dont know why.. maybe because its the last day of my holiday.. i have to be in my college early because they needed some helping hands for the new semester.. Must be for hostel residential or maybe for preparation accepting our new juniors.. yeah.. minggu pengurusan pelajar baru or mostly known as orientation week.. 
Well, hope everything goes well for tomorrow and for the rest of the semester.
May i have some changes in attitude.
May new semester shaping a new Zafirah.
New is always better.
right, Barney Stinson?
ngeh3.. ;p

p/s: barney stinson said 'new is always better' in how i met your mother. i can't wait for the season 7 to be shown.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Kisah tak kesah

"Kalau orang tak call, dia pun tak call kan" 
Okeyh this was one of the dialog from my phone conversation with my mum yesterday.
So a day after (which is.. just now) i was thinking, i am definitely lack of concerned. Basically if i turned my life into english grammar, i always live in present tense. Damn! Everyone live in present. LOL. what i mean is i interact only with people around me. So its like i have many different separated life; my colleges life, home life, friends life, dream life (kidding) or wutsoever life. I dont know how to keep in touch with people whom i dont get to see right in front of my eyes for more than a month(?), year (?). That's why long-distance relationship might not work out for me i guess..

Bak kata wawa (my classmate, teammate, housemate aih banyak betul portfolio dia pegang), she said "hang bukan kesah orang pun". Yeah i careless about other people. i set one thing in mind, kau tak kacau aku, aku tak kacau kau. easy right? selfish? might be. What to do though. i tried to be more concerned about others, yet i failed. i'm afraid when i have students or kids or even when  my parents gets older, i'm afraid i forgot to care about them. i wanna change this attitude. its hard though. but i'll try again.

however, when i think deep enough. i do think sometimes this attitude can be useful. Borak2.
friend : Aku tak suka la budak bla bla bla tu.. 
me : aku pun tak suka gak. tapi asal dia tak kacau aku, aku tak kesah pasal dia. Lantak dia la.

I dont hold grunge because of this 'kesah tak kesah' attitude. but i do remember some. Ingat je la. tak de rasa dendam dah pun. Like masa kecik-kecik dulu dendam dengan my bro yang slalu membuli ku. Setiap pukulan dia ku catit dalam buku. ada la dalam 10 baris ku tulis. Hahaha! Jadi ku masuk taek wondo untuk belajar teknik teknik nak balas balik segala pukulan tu. Masuk je taek wondo ku lupa niat ku, pasang niat baru utk kurus dari latihan taek wondo tu. hahaha! Sengal bengong time kecik2 dulu. ;p

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lempang laju laju

Ada beberapa perkara yang buat ku rasa mcm nak lempang orang laju laju.

Bila orang dah lambat nak pergi kelas, orang lain jalan terkedek kedek naik tangga. kalau dia jalan tepi tepi sikit tak pe. Nie cover laluan seluas luas laluan tangga tu. Orang lain nak pintas pun tak boleh. Macam highway 2 lane naik bukit, ada 2 bus tgh bersaing nak naik bukit. Sabo je la. Yang ku heran, kelas masing masing semua start waktu sama, time ku dah lambat (everyday ;p ) boleh pulak mereka jalan seperti biasa. (-.-")

Bila naik train (applied to other than KTM) semua orang masuk berhenti berdiri kat tengah tengah tiang macam pole dance sikit tuh. Tolong la. Kalau tak dapat tempat duduk, at least masuk la kat bahagian perut perut train tu sikit. Kalau jd situasi tin sardin dalam train, ku kan meloloskan diri pergi kat part penyambung antara couch train. Tau tak yang mana? yang agak agak fleksible sikit tuh. Yang ku heran, orang tak berani duk berdiri situ. Relax la. Berdoa je la penyambung train tu tak putus. Part nak keluar payah sikit. Ku terpaksa rempuh orang macam main ragbi. oh. ter 18SG pulak.

Bila cleaner baru je mop lantai, BARU je tak sampai satu minit, ada orang lain dengan suka hati nyer bersama rakan2 terus pijak/lalu kat tempat tu. Lagi rasa nak lempang laju laju orang orang tu bila dia berborak bergelak ketawa besar besar. Kadang kadang ku rasa kesian tengok cleaner tu. cleaner yg sinonim dgn wanita tua bekerja. Kalau ye pun nak lalu betul betul lepas dia mop, mintak la lalu sikit. Tak susah weyh ckp "tumpang lalu". at least penat penat dia mop tak kan menyumpah nyumpah tengok korang korang mengotorkan ia balik. Bukan apa ku meletakkan diriku dalam keadaan dia dan orang orang lain tu letakkan lah diri anda dalam keadaan cleaner tu. Apa rasa?

Bila ku tulis blog je rasa macam nak tido nie rasa macam nak lempang diri sendiri laju laju. =.="

Friday, April 29, 2011

Coca Cola Can Glass

I know the existence of this can glass from McD in newspaper after my friends discovered it.. Since then i was determined to get it. Because I planned to watch red riding hood with my friend, i took the chance to get one for myself. And to my surprised, it actually starts today..! HahAHha... Bangga ku membeli pada hari pertama ia dikeluarkan. HahHahhaha.. Beli coca cola glass meal harga rm14++ untuk dapatkan gelas nie. Lalala~ But if u bought it during lunch, it will be much cheaper than the usual price. I'm so damn happy i got this can glass.. cantiiikkkkk uolls!! Meh le kita kumpul byk2.. HuhuHu. but every colour has its own week.. 
Okeyh, see below to get your favourite colour:
Charcoal : 28 April 2011
Purple : 5 May 2011
Blue : 12 May 2011
Pink : 19 May 2011
Lime (Plg cantik) : 26 May 2011 
Green : 2 June 2011
So what are u waiting for? procrastination is the thief of time.. ehehhehe.. :P
JOm kumpul sma2 meh! :D

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

hatiku berkata-kata

*post ini adalah personal*

tadi ku terjaga. mimpi hantu. masa tu tgh bermain dgn kawan2. even time maghrib pun tak berhenti. moralnya: time maghrib berhenti main dan masuk rumah. tp elok jugak terjaga. terlelap sblm isyak. (-.-").......

sebelum terlelap ku ternampak photos terbaru dia. naik dekat homepage facebook. tak tau la nape tangan nie gatal pegi click. tgk la dari kepala album sampai kaki album photo tu. masa tgk gambar dia terkeluar pulak lagu gio "bila cinta" dari laptop member roomate. menangis hati! dah la kantoi dgn roomate tgk gambar dia. haih.. segan u olls.. feeling2 tgk gambar, mmg tak mcm zafirah. come on.. layan lagu jiwang karat mmg dorg tau, tapi bab2 ni dorg belum tau lagi.. tak pe lah. friends, see the other side of me.. the fragile inside..

lama ku tgk gambar dia, and i wonder.. did i have ever cross the person's mind like the person crossed mine..? i'm curious.. curiosity kills the cat. and it does killing me slowly inside.. dia nampak makin gembira, dengan orang baru. alhamdulillah.. its not that i miss the person, the person is still a friend and will remain as the same. nothing's gonna change that. *chuckle* sayang. sbb we used to be best buddy.

ku tak rindu dia sebagai diri dia yg sekarang. sbb tempat dia dah berubah, tiada lagi dihati, maaf. lama sgt dah perkara berlalu. bertahun tahun. tp kadang2 dia menjenguk ke fikiran. serabut. ku rindu dia yg dulu. i miss the feeling of 'us'. but when i miss 'us', all the pain is brought back. i handle the pain once. but the scars is still remain till now. DAMN right? yeah. jgn bagitau ala2 'bunga bukan sekuntum'. mmg. tapi hati ku satu je. dia curi dulu tak pulang2. entah balai polis mana mau cari. tak ingat pulak ada buat report atau tak. entah2 dah kene jual dekat thailand. *sigh*

pelik tiba2 feeling datang camgini. nyesal tak kira hari kat calender. but still, i blame the hormone!
gudnyte.. tomorrow, be nice please..

Friday, March 18, 2011


So after i started to write a few lines of post saying that i've got no mood to blogging again, i suddenly change the whole layout of the blog. I must admit that, surrounding do affect the mood. Now that i feel a fresh environment, i start writing again. Sorry to those who might not like it -get over it. ;)

oh by the way, if u ever noticed i once used this type of templates. in case if anyone had entered their email and a message come out that you have been hacked, its just a prank -just a picture to be precise. its not really that i know how to hack anyone's email though.. ;P Orait.. eyes are barely open now, its time to sleep. Good nyte everyone.. May tomorrow i post something before the mood gone missing again.. :)

i just made that up.. GOTCHA! LOL.
p/s: oh not to forget, I followed those who became my followers. Sorry i did not notice my followers grew that much. but i kinda missing one or two because i cant see their link.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nowhere to be found

there's so much to be told, so much to be shared.. 
but because it is too much, i just lost the interest to blog again.. 
the big M is currently written on my forehead. MALAS.
the layout is not done and its the most laziest layout i've ever apply on..
Maybe some other time. Kalau cuti 2 bulan maybe.. 
Just not right now.. 

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